Summer CSA Week 1

Happy first week of the Summer CSA season! Thank you for being part of this community, and for joining us on the crazy and fun ride that we call farming. 

It’s been a wet Spring, with more rain falling last week than we had the entire 2023 growing season, but that hasn’t stopped us on the farm. The crew has been seeding, transplanting, building, cleaning, weeding, and everything in-between. We snuck leeks, tomatoes, squash, melons, and the first round of potatoes in the ground before the rain soaked everything. We did have to put a temporary pause on planting last week to let the fields dry out a bit. Lucky for all of you, a pause on planting doesn’t mean a lack of vegetables. Thanks to all of our greenhouses, we’ve been able to get lots of greens and some herbs ready for this week’s box. The lettuce and spinach. have especially been thriving in their cozy, covered home.

In your share this week: 

Greens Mix – Lettuce – Oregano – Radishes – Rhubarb – Spinach

The week ahead is looking like a busy one. Not only are we adding CSA harvests into our schedule, but we are also planning to play catch-up with some planting. The peppers are ready to get out of the greenhouse and into the field, which will free up more greenhouse space for other crops. Other plans for the week include: the third seeding of field carrots, transplanting the next round of brassicas, getting our storage potatoes in the ground, and sharing a few laughs along the way. It’s going to be a lot of work, but our crew is up for the challenge. 

Our wonderful volunteer, Deb Rausch, has graciously offered to submit recipes that may help you find fun ways to use some of the vegetables in your boxes each week. If you like starting with dessert, or want a sweet breakfast to begin your day, this is the recipe for you.

Rhubarb Torte

1 cup flour

8 tablespoons butter

5 tablespoons powdered sugar

2 large eggs, well beaten

1/4 tsp salt

3/4 tsp baking powder

3/4 cup sugar

1 tsp vanilla

1 tsp grated lemon peel

3 cups diced rhubarb

Cream together the flour, butter and powdered sugar. Press into the bottom of a glass or Pyrex pie pan and bake for 10 to 12 minutes in a 350° oven

Combine the remaining ingredients and spread over the crust. Return to the oven and bake 30 minutes more or until the center is set. Serve warm, topped off with a spoonful of whipped cream.

For the farm crew, 


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