Happy New Year!


Well folks, it looks like we didn’t take the time to update you on our potato progress, but we survived! Immediately after that was done we pushed right into beets, rutabagas, parsnips, cabbage, and carrot harvest. By the time the ground froze and the snow came down, the crew had harvested nearly 113,000 pounds of delicious storage veggies in three weeks! This was a truly impressive feat, and many thanks goes out to our intrepid crew.

All in all, this was an incredible and memorable year here at the Food Farm. We were astounded a spring slower even than 2013, blessed with an abundance of fall crops, and all the while knowing that the most important crop would arrive right at the peak of our fall harvest season. Welcoming our son into the world has been an incredible experience, and makes us redouble our commitment to farm in a way that preserves our part of the earth for future generations.

We are well into our planning for next year, and should have information out soon on signing up for the 2015 CSA share season. Here are a few photos of the year gone by to tide you over until winter begins to loosen its icy grip. Greenhouse season is right around the corner!

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